Thank you
Since 2001, Free Wheelchair Mission has provided dignity, independence and hope to over 1 million people with disabilities in 93 countries. Free Wheelchair Mission has been blessed by your partnership, and we and the people we serve are truly grateful. We hope these recipient stories from the recent distribution in Guatemala serve as a reminder of the important work you help us do.
We could not have done all of this without your gift and partnership. Thank you for your generous support and belief in our mission.
Distribution Partner Profile
Faith in Practice has headquarters in Antigua, and distributions occur there as well as during week long mission trips in rural areas around the country. These trips include wheelchair clinics that serve areas with the greatest need; Faith in Practice typically finds a facility such as a school or church in which to hold the distribution. In addition to Antigua, the areas served include Petén, Retalhuleu, Santa Rosa, El Progresso, Jalapa, Totonicapán, and Quiche.
Faith in Practice is a faith-based FWM partner and Kingdom-building is central to its organizational identity; wheelchair recipients can pray with distribution teams or be prayed over, and receive the Christian message. Over the past 3 years, over 4,600 wheelchairs have been sent to Faith in Practice in Guatemala. This is a strong, faith-based FWM partner with whom we are blessed to work.
Financial Accountability
Free Wheelchair Mission is committed to transparency in relationships, operations, and finances and we prioritize the wise stewardship of donations. Because of our accountability efforts, we have received high ratings from the following charity watchdog organizations: